Thursday, August 20, 2009


finally.elective ends.teribbly.there r things that ive learnt.but not much.since we are only 2nd year meds student, all we can do is observe and ask and take note.blh jgk buat physical examination, tp takut plak, nanti tersalah palpate or percuss patient kat emergency department tu nanti, patah ribs dia, sape yg susah?some doctors are friendly.but most of them not.knp kne jd sombong ble dah jd doctor eh?in A&E, all we did was observing procedures, and no one cares if we were in or not..sbb masing2 busy.kalau mcmtu xpela..xleh nak slhkn sesape.because they r not paid to guid us.lagi2 la bdk IMU 2nd year yg taktau pape lg serious stress kat sana, jalan2, tgk2, kadang2 tanya2 sket.kadang2 pg cafe makan2 sket.nobody cares.kat HUSM as what friends told me, they were assigned specialists, so bermakna sket la elective dorg.but this is life as a medical student, ikut nasib, mmg slalu akan kene marah, kalau sikit dah x tahan mmg takleh survive.ada org smpai takut nak dtg class sbb takut kne marah ngn lecturer.i take this elective as a endurance test.and to foresee how my life will look like in the future,kalau houseman dianggap mcm ameoba dlm hospital, medical student, lagi kecik, mcm virus.(kecik tp bahaya tau,jgn main2).okay.sudahla hospital ipoh.i may not come back, but if i were to work there again, u better take me seriously next time. is nearly over.sem 4 is about to start.first day, ada PBL.have to be prepared.azam baru setiap sem, jadi nye tak. but i realise that i dont have much time until EOS5.raami orang yg suka cuti, takmau masuk cls balik..but not for me.kata la ape pun.skema ke, nerd ke.for me, sikap macamtu yg buat orang melayu terkebelakang.sikap malas.i am neither superduper rajin nor excellent gila in exams, however, i do not dare to let myself being lazy,being ordinary.

finally, ramadhan is coming.i just hope this one would be much better than before.semoga aku dapat hidayah bulan ramadhan ini.amin~

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