Saturday, December 19, 2009
its all about the money
i love to live in for me, pray for wealth, dont chase for wealth.if u once own it, be grateful for it, dont ask for more.
cukupla kaya sekadar untuk hidup.kaya itu baik kalau mendekatkan kita dgn Allah, mendekatkan kita dgn family, buat kita bahagia, membahagiakan isteri, and membahagiakan diri
a question popped in my mind once when i was watching a malay drama on evening.why most of the super-rich people would do almost anything to get richer, when they are already swarmed with wealth?the answer is, money, in excess, will exert their very own toxic effects. people will long for more, never never will they be contented.that is lust.
note that almost of malay drama convey this kind of living.dramas which portray rich people who are willing to kill others, even their families, and other sorts of wrong doings-blackmailing, bribery, prostitution, everything it takes for more kills,you see?i think people(at least me) are sick of that lame old ideas.enuff already.(that is one of the reason i think nur kasih portrays the 'good side' of reality)
Ya Allah berikanlah aku rezeki supaya aku tidak perlu untuk meminta2 kepada orang lain.Dan janganlah smapai kekayaan itu menjauhkanku dariMu.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
whats up with jalang?
first time i watched the promotional advertisement out on tv, i was immediately disgusted by add to it, my brothers were with me, staring at the tv screen, wondering what was it all about.and today, a talk show presented the director of that particular film.i watched so eagerly, as i want to know what makes the director so keen on producing that kind of film.
my anticipation was:
untuk membuka mata masyarakat malaysia, yg pelacur2 juga manusia, mereka tersekat dlm kesempitan hidup.masyarakat harus membuka mata supaya tak mendriskriminasikan mereka.
untuk memberi pengajaran kepada mereka supaya tidak terjebak yadaayadaa...
seperti dijangka.jawapan dia agak2 sama.untuk educate masyarakat ttg apa 'jalang' itu sebenarnya.dan spt yg diatas.
hissh!nonsense!whatever your good cause is m director, the negativity of ur filthy piece of work outweigh any good it brings.takpayah nak educate masyarakat, malaysian citizen are well educated dah pasal benda2 macamni.u dont have to provide unnecessary exposure for kids,because with or without it, they will eventually know.kenapa la nak buat iklan gempak2 kat tv, musim cuti plak tu, bagi budak2 tgk..what for?educational purposes?daripada budak2 tak tau jadi tau.tayang mase raya haji plak tu.
i think ur so-called niat murni just nak menutup agenda sebenar, that is to exploit sex and women to make money.and i think those who r dumb enough to buy tickets to watch ur film are those who are of the same species as u are.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I am sick of the world today. evil lingers at every inch of the world.i hate to hear small kids being murdered.i hate to hear houses are being bulldozed to the ground.i hate to hell that the fact ppl are doing absolutely nothing about it, and hate myself too for not bringing any good to the world.
i am sick to see the norms of the world today.killing is a norm.bisexuality, homosexuality, pornography, homicides, excesive alcohol drinking, prostitutions are norms.i hate to see muslims drink alcohol, muslims go to clubs. i am not an angel, i am not pious either. i hate myself for still not be able to be real muslimah. but i hate, i loathe to see my religion to be fooled around.
I am sick of people playing dirty politics.
I am sick of people, society or organizations funding so much money for stuff like concerts, talentshows, entertainment awards and not even bothered about those who are in need.
I am sick of smokers. I am sick of the government working on anti-smoking campaigns, but still, prosper with the massive income cigarettes taxes offer. Smoking is haram, but still I see pak-pak imam light up the cigars on the way to the mosque. For those who smoke, I am sorry if you die sooner than you expect, but hey, you deserve it!
enough hate for today.
Monday, October 5, 2009
teater punya kisah
someone very close to me loves theater so much.he grows up with theater and acting. i never liked such thing. i never liked that particular person to do theaters, apa lagi nak berlakon profesionally. i never wanted to get involved in such thing either. however i signed up for IMU's malay cultural week's thetaer production team. i decided to do so because Muna, the director is a friend of mine, we are in the same batch.kira nak support kawan la ni. she loves theater so much as well. she has lots of experiences, and i have faith that she'll be able to make this year's theater a blast. i signed up, and muna elected me be the stage desingner.i had a teeny weeny experience in stage design back in boarding school, so i accepted the, sejak sebelum puasa haritu, i have worked pretty hard for this theater. awal2 tak terasa penat, tapi about a week before the performance i stayed back late(at around 2am) everynite for the pun tak berapa.nasib baik the system that time was endocrine, a little lighter than the other systems, so i think i could manage to revisit the system later, maybe?
fast forward a bit...after the first theater , Bukan legasi lalang(it was a classical malay theater)succesfully been performed, i was so excited and i was overwhelmed with satisfaction. most people who came said it was a great theater.mungkin kalau university lain dtg and tgk, they may or may not feel so, i dont know.but who the hell cares, as long as we are satisfied ourselves.let us, IMU students set our own standard.after all, i think it was an entertaining show.
Gadis di kuburan's first i felt that Gadis di Kuburan does not have the 'kick' that BLL has. BLL is good for that it has awesome silat, nice malay dancing, and played by many talented students.sape kata student IMU tau std je?however, GDK is not boring after all.though it has all those long monolouges, and mushy love lines, it has succeeded to entertain people, and shed tears of the audience.(ye ke?lebih2 je aku ni)i feel that GDK has its own strength too.mana tak nye, seminggu aku dok nyanyi lagu pelangi petang tu sorang2.just sad that some ppl and lecturers(who attended GDK) didnt come for BLL.bcos i think Malay culture is more potrayed in BLL. and IMU ppl love silat, dont we?hehe..
sekarang, demam teater belum habis was amazing to join this production team. It has brought me an amazing teamwork spirit(i miss the crews), made me know ppl i didnt ever bothered to know before, esp juniors sem 2 nd 1.and amazingy i also view theater i quite a different way now.dulu, kalau tgk tv, org tak pandai berlakon, kutuk2.skrg baru tau sshnya nak hidupkan emosi tu.(cheh, dh jd orang seni plak).dan dulu2, selalu memperkecilkan benda2 lakonan sbnrny, it takes a lot of knowledge, and hardwork to be able to act.tgk skrip je dah punya panjang nak hafal.kalau aku hafal skrip tu, maunye keluar sem 3 punya syallabus dr otak aku. and haritu, baru muna suruh aku berlakon a tiny role(for about 3minutes, aku dah tergelak2 dh)i seriously cant!
orang kata, once we got ourselves involved in this, nanti got may be true.tapi teater kat imu setahun sekali, mana nak addicted nye.most probably next year tak join kot such thing, sbb sem depan ada major exam(yay im graduating from Bukit Jalil campus!), but i will still support this kind of events.any events la generally.i think we should always get ourselves involved in co-curricular takde la rasa diri ni bosan sangat.join la community service ke(huu if i could turn back time i am going to make sure i attend the weekly community service i'd signed up for back in sem 1), usrah ke, sports(ni i cannot help it la), or anything for the matter of fact.socializing in clubs etc not included yea ppl!
anyway, the point is, joining this event was a cool experience for me.and theater is not boring after all.but strictly for occasional leisure. never more.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
spank your kids-not!
Studies Show Link Between Getting Spanked and Poorer Scores on Intelligence Tests
By Salynn BoylesWebMD Health News
Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD
Sept. 24, 2009 -- Parents who spare the rod just might end up with smarter kids.
Two new studies suggest that children who are spanked have lower IQs than children who aren't, regardless of where they live.
In one study, researchers analyzed the intelligence scores of roughly 1,500 children in the U.S. who took part in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. They found that these scores were slightly lower among children whose mothers reported using spanking as a form of discipline.
In the other study, national average IQ scores were found to be lower in countries where spanking is common.
The research was led by University of New Hampshire sociologist Murray A. Straus, PhD, who has studied the impact of corporal punishment on child development for decades. He is a vocal opponent of the practice.
Straus was scheduled to present his findings Friday in San Diego at the 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma.
"The best kept secret of American child psychology is that kids who are not spanked are the best behaved and do the best in life," he tells WebMD. "You won't find that in a single child development textbook, but it is true."
aku jarang2 kena pukul.sepanjang hidup ni, rasa2nya dlm 2 or 3 kali je.tu pun lembut2 je.IQ aku tinggi kah?hehe..ntahle.yang pasti aku tak pass IQ test nak g adelaide uni 2 tahun lepas!heee~
but when i reach adulthood, love is never for fun is not something that we ask, it is something that comes when we least expecting it.memang ramai lagi orang yg sibuk nak carik boyfriend, carik jodoh, ada jgk yg tanak langsung ada boyfriend, tanak mengelakkan have or not to have boyfriend, is not an issue.bila takde boyfriend(or gf) takpayah rasa risau takde jodoh, the time will come. tapi, for those yg anti dgn 'couple2' thingy ni, kena faham,love is not smething that u can just erase or delete. love remains though a relationship does not seperate two loving souls is mean.hanya ada satu jalan, nikah.its not always readily possible..ada byk tanggungjawab, and expectations from others.yg perempuan kena faham, how hard things can be for a man to get maried.diorang yg rasa beban, bkn, nak tak nak, we have to understand.and in the time being, menjaga diri sebelum bernikah(tough part, huh?)
love is not about the fun.though it was before.for me, loving who i love now, is not always is at the same time fun, but i dont want to love for the sake of the fun and happiness it brings.we have to bear with the hardship that comes along with it.i cherish every happiness, and every hardship love has to offer.
love is not a major thing in life.but still, we need it as a complementary. love is not about going out together, celebrating anniversaries, expressing love in facebook etc is about companionship.for me, if i have loved the right one, do not ever turn back. take the relationship seriously.i have hurt some people in my life, and i regret that.i do.but i am thankful for it has end my search of true love, and now, i have found (i hope) the true love.
i am really thankful for the fact that we have survived the hardships of love for years now. u r a great person, even there are times i cannot stand u, i am thankful for that. i dont want u to be anyone else but u.i want u to know, i have never taken into account what u have, or what u dont have when i decided to love u.but, because of who you are.i dont love you because of u r hot, or goodlooking(if u really are la), i never cared about that at all.i will even love u the same(or more) when u turn 60, or 70 or 80, when u hv that deep wrinkles on ur face.
this is how love should always be.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
akhirat dan duniawi
taktau la nape aku nak ckp pasal ni, tp mcm terpanggil2 nak tulis.
orang kata, kalau nak jd alim, warak, mst solat, buat amalan2 sunat2, tadarus quran, g ceramah,pakai jubah longgar2, or apa2la yg berkaitan dgn agama.mmg betul.tak dinafikan.tula yang sebaik2nya.tapi, kalau seseorang tu tak jd perfect mcmtu, tak semestinya dia kufur, or berdosa.and bagi aku, menegakkan agama, bukan dari segi agama semata2.hidup ni as a whole perlu dikira sebagai agama. as in, bkn perkara2 fardhu, beribadat siang malam je yg Allah nampak, yg Allah ada jgk benda duniawi yg perlu diambil kira. kalau la solat siang malam, tp lambat bangun g kerja (or class), tuhan senang hati ke?tu lagi la kira berdosa sbb dah membuat dosa sesama manusia. amanah kita sbg pekerja, pelajar(lg2 yg sponsored)sangat besar.tak blh la nak fkr solat 24jam tp kita tak kesah pasal reputasi sbg pelajar muslim. belajar tu wajib.belajar di atas nama islam adalah jihad. taknak la nanti orang kata,kata islam, tapi mundur.aku mmg malu kalau dlm PBL aku ada pelajar melayu yg datang lambat, melayu la yg ponteng.sbb dlm PBL, ada lbh kurang 3 pelajar melayu je, out of 10 or, nampak sgtla kan kalau ada yg mmg slalu mcmtu la, melayu la yg ponteng, melayu la yang fail.nak tak nak, nama agama sekali yg malu.aku kagum bila yani cerita pasal sesetengah student2 melayu kat uniten(if im not mistaken).dgn tudung litup, pgg quran all the time, tp CGPA takde yg kurang 3.9.mcmtu la islam yg sepatutnya.lengkap.bukan warak beribadah semata, tp cemerlang dunia akhirat.
lastly, aku bukan kata aku ni warak or hebat gle std.dua2 pun tak cukupla seiringkan agama dan duniawi.lebihkan agama lagi bagus, tp jgn tinggalkan kewajipan duniawi.
orang melayu islam tak boleh jadi punca kelemahan dan kenunduran kita!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
freakin IMU
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
2nd day of semester 4
Sunday, August 23, 2009
sensitive sket blh takk??
so kesimpulannya..takde sorang or sekali pun dalam cte tu ckp buat seks sebelum kahwin tu norm je.norm ke tak, haram tetap haram.dosa ttp dosa, bdk tadika pun tau..cte tu cm tak sensitive. n terlalu moden..tak sesuai jadi talk show untuk remaja.oke?harap maklum.
p/s ada bnyk jgk cte yg terlalu moden yang aku menyampah.mentang2 muka cm mat salleh sket dah tak ingat root.padahal nama cm jawa.
sem 4 here i come(nada tak berapa semangat)~
i also signed up to be one of the theater production team for Malay Cultural Week diz september.jadi member of stage design.i have ZERO experience or knowledge about theater.unlike my boyfriend who have tons of experience in that(and never liked to share).however, i just want to get myself involved in something, not medically related.uni life shud be filled with experience, lotsa activities(beneficial activities yea adik2!) and fun!(though i know its hard to juggle).being a student should not just being all about have to be about the life experience we gain.i hope this semester is going to be much better than the previous.and i hope Muna(the theater producer) dont expect me to have any experience about theater, cos i have NONE!the only experience i have in stage designing was being a member of biro keceriaan in boarding school (we prepared stage in events,designing, coloring, sketching, do stuff like gubah bunga(hehe) and set fountains) tu pun i bet it'd be nothing like designing a stage for a theater.
okay have to start revising the anatomy for endocrinology.i hope i will not look so dumb tomorrow.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
finally. is nearly over.sem 4 is about to start.first day, ada PBL.have to be prepared.azam baru setiap sem, jadi nye tak. but i realise that i dont have much time until EOS5.raami orang yg suka cuti, takmau masuk cls balik..but not for me.kata la ape pun.skema ke, nerd ke.for me, sikap macamtu yg buat orang melayu terkebelakang.sikap malas.i am neither superduper rajin nor excellent gila in exams, however, i do not dare to let myself being lazy,being ordinary.
finally, ramadhan is coming.i just hope this one would be much better than before.semoga aku dapat hidayah bulan ramadhan ini.amin~
Saturday, August 15, 2009
weekend in ipoh
sunday-nak pegi PC fair.though im not into this stuff, i am willing to go as long as im not stuck home alone.kene wear mask ke?yikes hope not!
skarang orang suka sgt pakai mask eh?its a good thing bdk2 skolah lepak2 ddk je kat kerusi2 mall tu pun pakai mask.sekadar nak ddk2 je baik ddk2 kat umah je.PMR pun tak lepas lagi, suka sangat melepak!
Friday, August 14, 2009
i want to go home!!
the mask is killing me.i feel very dizzy and i feel like vomitting in that.i was breathing in my very own exhaled hot air, and that did not feel good, okay?menyusahkan betul la H1N1 ni!dah tahan dah, so i decided to lepak at the library.had a chat with siddarth, andwent back to emergency dept to check on them.when i reached A&E, the doctors were busy putting on a chest tube into a chest of a male patient who i believe to suffer from pneumothorax.lps tu ada a couple of students datang(from RMCP), and few mins later, officer kat A&E tu pggl bdk2 IMU.dia ckp sbb A&E ni dah sesak so dia srh ktorang pg blek ke office, and apply for new department.i was like what the heck?we came here earlier then those RMCP(Royal Medical College Perak) students, ktorang plak yg kne pegi?
ok2 kan teaching hospital korang..hamek la..tak ingin pun.
then we headed to Greentown Mall again.sbb Ema dah mimpi2 nak beli handphone kat ctu, sbb murah dr harga kat KL.makan kat foodcourt.i ordered tomyam.pastu few minutes later i tny dia, dah masak ke blm, dia kata blm, so i kata, tuka la..nasi gorang ayam.pastu dia kata, kalau tuka kne masuk queue blek.lambat la..i cakap npe la plak?tuka je..pastu dia cm tak phm2 so i dgn bengang nye blah je.dahla before that ada budak2 main gelak2 tolak2 gedik2 dpn aku, pastu terlanggar aku.dia ckp sorry.aku senyum2 tak ikhlas.dah la makanan smpai lambat.dorg dah abes mkn baru nak sampia mknn.bengang nyeee...dah la food court tu pnh ngn stdnt RMCP tu..rasa nak set food court tu on fire je.
tension ptg2 kat cni, sbb asek tdo je.yg lain2 sume tdo lama, and malas nak kuar, so things are soooo boring here.weekend ni cam nak balik KL je, tp takde orang nak amek plak..gila la kot nak ddk cni lama2.
apa2la.survivr jela.
the moral is.jgn buat elective kat hosp ipoh.buat ket tmpt kne least they assign doctors to guide.
kalau dah jd doctor tu, jgn la sombong sgt kat medical dorg tak pnh cmtu je.ntah2 lagi teruk.blah laa doctor2 yg sombong tu.
doctor2 yg baik yg slalu entertain ktorang kat A&E tu, thankyou a lot.tapi takpela..mggu dpn ktorang bawak diri g O&G plak.jgn cakap rindu kat ktorang plak eh abg awe?(MA pujaan kak hasni)
nak balik cepat.cptla masuk sem, dah nak sakit otak cuti ni.kemalasan kills.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
third day of ipoh hospital elective
basically dlm ramai2 patient tu, ada satu dua case yg aku tertarik utk write down. a 67 yr old pakcik who believed to be a psiciatric patient was lying down on a bed for a while now.i tny ngn MO tu, what is he all about, the doctor said sbnry takde pape..just dia stressed,physically stable.dlu dah pnh discharged, tp anak2 dia anta balik ke hospital with so many excuses.myb sebab leceh nak jaga.pakcik tu cerita, dalam 8 orang anak dia, sorang je yg jaga dia.tu pun anak dia yg sorang tu keje, so nobody is taking care of him, talk to him, give him love.he prefers to stay at the hospital rather than being left alone, without any love given. dia kata buat apa balik , takde orang yg nak bagi mkn ubat, kat hospital ada orang jaga..sebak jgk dgr..nak nangis pakcik tu bercerita.sedih sangat..napela anak2 buat orang tua mcmtu..myb la ssh nak jaga, tapi tak ingat ke mcmana dorang jaga kte dari kecik, anak2 dah besar pun lagi ssh nak taktaula mungkin nanti one day aku terasa mcmtu jgk, tp mtk dijauhkanla..
anothe case yg comel,a boy, known asthmatic, present with acute respiratory exercabation.ble nak withdraw blood and nak infuse meds I/V, MA tu tak blh nak cari median cubital vein dia.jarum tu masuk, kuar blek, for many times.bdk tu meraung2, screaming "tolong la kuar...tolonglaaa.." sedih pun ada, comel pun ada. dah la tembam budak tu. tapi sedih la sbb mak dia nangis2..mak dia ckp, tu la adik, mama kata jg main kat luar lama2, adik degil, jangan minum ais, adik degil...lepas itu saya bace buku and tido di library.haha.
tiba2 rindu mama saya.
okie mahu stdy fot tomoro.
Friday, August 7, 2009
a lot of youtube today.
The same like what dhuha commented in her blog, this girl really amaze me too.She is still young, younger than me if im not mistaken, but she thinks better than most of the Muslims out there. It makes me ponder for a while, she's new and she's very good.but ive been raised as Muslim, n yet i could not be as religious as her.i am ashamed of myself for a while.hmm..i have to do a lot of self-revision.frankly, i am not proud to be the person i am now, i still want to improve.i do not want to be the kind of Muslim woman who disgrace this pure religion.And i am worried with how our Malay kids and youngters grow nowadays.there are too much of unthinkable things that happen nowadays, which you never want to think of.i dont want to be one of them.i dont wanna go to hellfire plsss God.
Take me to your light...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
mind your language..
Berbalik pada topik bahasa rojak tadi,we cannot stop people from using bahasa rojak.its just how Malaysians communicate.bila cakap bahasa baku karang orang kata buang long as people undestand what we are trying to convey, it should never be an issue. buka Bahasa melayu je yg rojak..Japanese ke, Cantonese ke, rojak jgk...tak caye cube dgr themesong kartun2 jepun kat tv tu..dlm satu ayat tu mula2 japanese..last2 ada la pulak terselit english..cakap bahasa rojak tu lagi okay drpd cakap bahasa melayu, tp penuh ayat mencarut2,curse2.lagi teruk.
Bahasa SMS pun blh jadi isu.Dah kata nak SMS je,tulis pendek2 sudahla..takpayah la tulis panjang2 just for the sake of preservering BM(haha macam mak aku dlu,,skrg dah tak=P)
one more thing, isu lagu rojak..a song is one's way of expressing feelings.dah time tu dia rasa dia nak campur2 bahasa sukati dia la..tanak dgr sudah..dia bkn letak lagu dia tu dalam kategori lagu bahasa melayu pun..what language people want to utilize in a song ke, poem ke..its totally their rights.(dlu aku teringat radhi OAG mengamuk sbb dia kne condemn lagu dia rojakkan bahasa melayu..nah who cares.asalkan sedap)
PPSMI, the latest issue.i dont quite agree with the idea of teaching maths and science back in BM. I dont think the arguments supporting it were reasonable enough... I think children should be taught science and maths in english as early that later in their education life, there's no major problem faced by them..if they are to be taught in Malay, later mase nak masuk uni, the transition phase would be a little harder, and coping process will be a bit more biarla,dah tu keputusan kerajaan..but on the other hand,ok la sbb takde la student2 kat kampung or yg lemah in english tercicir,and worse, demotivated nak belajar.tapi tu la, that is just a short-term benefit.
btw,ckp pasal PPSMI, haritu masa Arwah Yasmin Ahmad meninggal dunia, i just knew that angin ahmar tu stroke!i thot asthma!tu pun my mama yang ckp(my Malay needs polishing as well!) so cancel PPSMI ni ade la jgk that nanti ble dah kat hospital nanti, takdela salah faham=P
Saturday, July 18, 2009
malu dgn negara sendiri?
mmg nature orang kita kot.suka sangat tgk bangsa sendiri jatuh.suka sgt kne jajah.dulu kne jajah negara,skrg ideologi n minda kne jajah.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Malaysia today..
until somehing caught my eyes..i saw a row of seats fully occupied by ppl.There were 10 ppl altogether.From a quick glance,i saw only 3 Malays out of taht number.another 3 were arabics, 3 chinese, and the others are Bangladeshi(note that i only use the word Bangladeshi to describe them,easier..however they may be Nepalese,Sri Lankan..who knows?).Then i took a quick look at my surronudings..i was swarmed by those people! Are we outnumbered by them?Why are there too many immigrants in our country?It may make Malaysia look a bit colorful, i agree..but i think its a bit too much.We see immigrants anywhere we go..And does not include those foreigners who marry the locals or work here..and trying to get PR here.Malaysia has becoming more and more like a charity country.More and more immigrants means less job opportunities to our local youngsters..xtaula salah siapa smpai dorg import too much of PATIs..maybe because its cheaper..or mmg anak muda Malaysia malas kerja..?malas nak comment,aku bukan tau sgt pun..pandai2la fikir..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
showbiz in Malaysia
but yeah bukan semua yg mcmtu..i still like some..faizal tahir,aizat's songs are cool too..n i like ashraf muslim n oh yea,tomok the boy next door.very,polite i wud say..haha(new obsession)but not to the extent of making them my idol ..hehe
i dont really like the fact taht now, even little kids are encouraged and exposed to the showbiz..teens berebut2 nak masuk reality shows, with the excuse of making easy money. bila kuar,(mentor ke, mentee ke ape lagi ha?)tak kuar2 tv pun..popular kejap je..when those reality,money making shows are prospering,semakin kurang teens yg usaha keras nak ubah hidup..sume nak masuk singing contest, jadi artis etc etc.
but nvrmind..none of my bussiness anyway..
Monday, July 6, 2009
a talk by Tun Dr Mahathir
